Welcome back – Podcast kickoff!

Welcome back fans, welcome newcomers!

As promised here is my kickoff podcast for the upcoming album “North American Oscillation”. Here you will find all the latest public updates on the writing and recording of the upcoming album plus a few surprises here and there. Enjoy!

Keeping you informed!

Hey fans!

Noticed the last blog post is from September 24th! I assure you I’ve been around! 🙂 I’m doing my best to keep you informed on all of the networks including Twitter, Mailing list, occasionally Facebook, and last but not least here on the Official Trance Fury site!

It’s definitely been busy past few months as I’ve loaded all new software updates for writing and am gaining momentum on the new tracks. I plan to release one soon and will announce the title by month’s end! In the meantime as a refresher here are the various links to follow me.

Trance Fury Official Twitter Page Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/TranceFury

Fanbridge Official Mailing List: http://trancefury.fanbridge.com/

Official Facebook Page Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TranceFury

and of course right here at http://www.trancefury.com

Hope to see you around!

Happy Holidays!



Studio and Writing update

Gosh I just love sitting down in the fall and writing. Opening up the studio windows, get a nice crisp breeze, and write some serious chill. You can tell by a lot of my titles! Don’t get me wrong I love the Summer and prefer warming weather but here in NC after 5+ months of heat and humidity you start craving some cooler weather.

Unfortunately I ran into a speed bump lately with the studio Mac. I figured I’d upgrade to Mavericks before Apple pulls it off the site in favor of Yosemite. I tend to try to keep the Mac Pro one version behind because I figure the software makers should have upgraded their software by then. Unfortunately with the upgrade to Cubase 7.5 and Mavericks a couple of older plugins took a dump. My Cubase VST path seemed to have reset itself and/or it couldn’t find older plugins. After extensively talking with support on the matter they claim the software should still work. I tried several things and even manually unpackaged some of them. It kept showing the older version in Cubase Plugin information. I decided to reboot and then Voila! they showed up. Oh wait… I can’t hear anything now, WTF Cubase??? I close Cubase and restart. Plugins are broken again. How is that possible??? I finally shut down the damn thing for the night. At least it appears I am on the right track. No pun intended!

Anyway, more from TFR Records Studios later!!

Garage Band actually useful??

I’ve been getting the massive urge lately to roll out some new music. Probably because it’s long overdue. Unfortunately I’ve just been so busy with other responsibilities that it’s been tough to sit down for any lengthy period of time to thrash out some ideas. Of course I do have several ideas that I’ve thrown up on SoundCloud from last year that are available here.

Been kind of laid up with a nasty sinus infection from being worn down with so much other crap lately so I decided to actually mess around with the Garage Band app I have on my iPad. I think it was updated more recently and has some nifty new features and really isn’t half bad for what it is. I honestly think it may help me kickstart some ideas when I have a few minutes here and there. It’s a nice mobile way of getting things out. If you haven’t seen it it actually has several different instrument types and sub-types of keys, strings, drums, etc. I was actually able to get a few cool synth like sounds to mess around with a lead part and the thing even has cutoff and resonance! LOL. You can roll out some relatively nice drum patterns rather quickly as well and even quantize. Needless to say I may be kicking off more ideas this way in the near future.

Anything to jumpstart the writing process again!

Hope you here from me soon!

|/_ – TF

Happy New Year

I wanted to personally wish you a Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday.
Since I don’t use the mailing list often I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to give you a review of all the great happenings in 2013 and a glimpse of what’s to come in the new year!  
Early 2013 saw me working on the second of my 2 remix EP’s entitled The Other Sides of Trance. Volume 1 proved extremely successful with 5 out of the 6 tracks appearing on The Weather Channel – Local on the 8’s! 
For Volume 2, I took time to select the best tracks and worked closely with Nick Kisler and Eddie Easterly on guitar, mixing, and mastering for what I think is the finest recorded album yet. It was a hard first quarter of the year but it paid off later.
Once April rolled around I took a break to digest a lot of the hard work I put into the remixes and decided to shift gears to work on some new material with some fresh ideas I’ve had for several months. I was able to put out some great works in progress and even some solid demos. You can find these demos on my Official Soundcloud page. 
Things ramped up again at the end of the summer and early autumn as I finally got to see everything come to life with the release of Volume 2 on August 29th! Track #2 on the album saw more airplay on The Weather Channel and had a nice 3 month run from September to early November!
If you missed any of these live on-air you can find dozens of the recordings from The Weather Channel and music fans on Youtube
Unfortunately with the end of my track in November also saw big changes on The Weather Channel local forecast broadcasts so it remains to be seen whether or not they will continue with Independent music.
The last 3 months of 2013 saw some exciting things and awesome momentum going into 2014! Pandora said YES to my submission of Volume 2 and we should see it go live on Pandora Radio joining 7 Steps to Resolution some time in January 2014. October/November also saw my highest position on the ReverbNation local, national, and global charts with me hitting #1 locally and breaking 100 for the National ranks. I once again find myself on the top charts heading into the new year and hope to capitalize on the Pandora and chart ranking exposure.


This brings us up to 2014 with much to look forward to. Some of the great things on tap for the coming year are:

  • Plans for a new release mid-year with all new material.
  • More work with Eddie on a Guitar Remixes album of some sort with all your favorite guitar tracks re-recorded and remixed onto one album!
  • I’ve been seriously considering doing my first live shows since college with all new equipment! I bought the new Traktor system earlier in 2013 and I’m putting together ideas for a live mix of music featuring live guitar! Possible show locations are here inRaleigh, NC and Atlanta, GA, home of Eddie Easterly.
  • I’ve also been approached about a possible side project and I’ve been looking into this more as it’s an interesting opportunity.


Well that’s all in a nutshell. I want to thank all the fans for reading and am really looking forward to sharing more great things with you in 2014!

-|/_ Peace – Trance Fury


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A Special Thanks to all Veterans Past and Present!

Happy Veteran’s Day to all those who are serving or have served! Thank you for protecting our #freedom. As a special thanks to #veterans, send email from your military acct to store@trancefury.com & I’ll give you a #free d/l code for any album this week! If you don’t have access to your account please send an email and we’ll work it out.