Run to Indiegogo and pre-order the new Trance Fury album “North American Oscillation” and get autographed merchandise by Christmas. Hurry, time is running out!
Pre-order now on Indiegogo!
Ever wonder where Jacob’s Ghost song title came from? It’s not where you think!
Anyone that follows me on twitter or facebook knows that I like to enjoy my micro-brew beer or glass of whiskey regularly. One of my favorite whiskey distillers is Jim Beam. Now, Jim Beam is a true bourbon that remains distilled in Kentucky since the 1800’s despite the fact that Japanese company Suntory had purchased it. It does remain true to it’s original still.
A few years ago Jim Beam released a white whiskey called “Jacob’s Ghost”. No, it’s NOT named after Jacob Marley rather Jacob Beam the original founder. I decided to try it even though it’s a white whiskey and I must say it’s a nice smooth taste. If you want something that is a little sweeter and goes down smooth then this is it!
One day after having an extra glass of Jacob’s Ghost I was greatly inspired by the process and history of bourbon making in Kentucky. The song came to me as an erie yet bass in your face track that I feel is one of my better tracks in awhile! If you haven’t checked it out yet then you need to grab a bottle of Jacob’s Ghost and listen to this track with the lights off and the bass up!
For more history on Jim Beam and Jacob’s Ghost visit the link below. Must be of legal age to view it! 😉
UPDATE: May, 2021, looks like Beam Suntory took Jacob’s Ghost off the US market but it’s still for sale globally. It appears it can still be imported here but here’s the link for NZ site.
Studio and Writing update
Gosh I just love sitting down in the fall and writing. Opening up the studio windows, get a nice crisp breeze, and write some serious chill. You can tell by a lot of my titles! Don’t get me wrong I love the Summer and prefer warming weather but here in NC after 5+ months of heat and humidity you start craving some cooler weather.
Unfortunately I ran into a speed bump lately with the studio Mac. I figured I’d upgrade to Mavericks before Apple pulls it off the site in favor of Yosemite. I tend to try to keep the Mac Pro one version behind because I figure the software makers should have upgraded their software by then. Unfortunately with the upgrade to Cubase 7.5 and Mavericks a couple of older plugins took a dump. My Cubase VST path seemed to have reset itself and/or it couldn’t find older plugins. After extensively talking with support on the matter they claim the software should still work. I tried several things and even manually unpackaged some of them. It kept showing the older version in Cubase Plugin information. I decided to reboot and then Voila! they showed up. Oh wait… I can’t hear anything now, WTF Cubase??? I close Cubase and restart. Plugins are broken again. How is that possible??? I finally shut down the damn thing for the night. At least it appears I am on the right track. No pun intended!
Anyway, more from TFR Records Studios later!!
Garage Band actually useful??
I’ve been getting the massive urge lately to roll out some new music. Probably because it’s long overdue. Unfortunately I’ve just been so busy with other responsibilities that it’s been tough to sit down for any lengthy period of time to thrash out some ideas. Of course I do have several ideas that I’ve thrown up on SoundCloud from last year that are available here.
Been kind of laid up with a nasty sinus infection from being worn down with so much other crap lately so I decided to actually mess around with the Garage Band app I have on my iPad. I think it was updated more recently and has some nifty new features and really isn’t half bad for what it is. I honestly think it may help me kickstart some ideas when I have a few minutes here and there. It’s a nice mobile way of getting things out. If you haven’t seen it it actually has several different instrument types and sub-types of keys, strings, drums, etc. I was actually able to get a few cool synth like sounds to mess around with a lead part and the thing even has cutoff and resonance! LOL. You can roll out some relatively nice drum patterns rather quickly as well and even quantize. Needless to say I may be kicking off more ideas this way in the near future.
Anything to jumpstart the writing process again!
Hope you here from me soon!
|/_ – TF